Vertebrate Laboratory

The Laboratory of Zoology of Vertebrate Animals was founded in 1943. 

At the core of the studies are the ecology of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, fauna and the effects of various factors on them, and the development of methods for the protection of species and habitats. The laboratory’s group of paleontologists conducts scientific research in social paleontology, Holocene theriofauna, osteology and morphology of mammals and birds. Zoological and paleontological collections are made. Laboratory employees are involved in the registration of game species, the determination of hunting measures and dates, and the studies of conflicts between different animal species with humans. Breeding of rare and endangered species in captivity is also carried out. 

Head of the lab: k.g.t. Mamikon Ghasabyan

Mamikon Ghasabyan

Head of laboratory

Aram Aghasyan

Head of the Joint scientific-experimental center of the Institute of Zoology of the Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA

Levon Aghasyan


Luba Balyan

Junior researcher

Gor Kaloyan

Junior researcher

Tsovinar Hovhannisyan

Junior Researcher

Arman Hovakimyan

Laboratory assistant

Hovhannes Grigoryan


Group of Paleozoology

The scientific group of Paleozoology was founded in 2023.  

The group studies the species diversity of vertebrate animals in ancient Armenia, based on the osteological materials discovered from excavations of archaeological monuments in the territory of modern Armenia. 

Andranik Gyonjyan

Leader of scientific group/Museum director

Nina Manaseryan

Leading researcher