Name Surname | Luba Balyan |
Academic degree | – |
The position | Junior researcher |
Laboratory / department | Laboratory of Zoology of Vertebrates |
lubabalyan73@gmail.co | |
Phone number | – |
Link to profile in research platforms: ORCID, researchgate, scopus, google scholar | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luba-Balyan-2 |
Research interests | Wildlife biology, avian ecology and conservation, population dynamic |
Period | Role | Number and Title | Fund |
2020 | team member | Survey of Game Species in Armenia (№ 17/20 -GE0056DF) | Environmental programs PIU |
2020-2023 | project coordinator | Gap-filling survey in the mid reaches of the Araks valley, Armenia, Project No. 07-2020 | OSME |
2021 | team member | Survey of Game Species in Armenia ՀՀ-ԲԾ-Ա-ԱՊՁՐ-21/48 | Environmental programs PIU |
2021 | team member | Development of Management plans for “Arevik” National Park and “Boghakar” Sanctuary No 10/D-070720/1-60 | Geoinfo Ltd. |
2022 | team member | Survey of Game Species in Armenia, No. ՇՄՆ-ԱՇՁԲ-22/03 | RA Ministry of Environment |
2023-2024 | team member | «Armenia: Advancing the establishment of the Emerald Network and management of the Emerald Sites» 1281049 | EC |
2023-2024 | team member | Demarcation of the planned state reserve “Hrazdan Gorge”, inventory of biodiversity and thematic mapping, ԵՔ-ԲՄԾՁԲ-23/20 | Yerevan Municipality |