Name Surname | Tigran Abgaryan |
Academic degree | MSc in Biology |
The position | Senior Laboratory Assistant |
Laboratory / department | Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology |
tigran.abgaryan2604@gmail.com | |
Phone number | +37495231825 |
Link to profile in research platforms: ORCID, researchgate, scopus, google scholar |
Research interests | My main research interests are focused on the study and assessment of parasitic contamination of soil and surface water |
2020-2023 | Participant | 20TTCG-1F006 Parasitic Protozoa in Surface Waters and Soils in Armenia: Investigation, Characterization, and Monitoring Approaches | State committee of sciences RA | 57 mln AMD |
2020-2023 | Participant | 20TTCG-1F006 Survey of Toxoplasma gondii prevalence and genetic diversity in Armenia and determination of some lichens’ anti-toxoplasma activity | State committee of sciences RA | 30 mln AMD |
2023-2028 | Participant | 23LCG-1F006. The role of synanthropic animals in the circulation, maintenance, and transmission of parasitic zoonoses in urban areas of Armenia and development of strategies for their prevention and control | Higher Education and Science committee | 173 mln AMD |