Name Surname Tigran Abgaryan
Academic degree  MSc in Biology
The position Senior Laboratory Assistant
Laboratory / department Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology 
Phone number+37495231825 
Link to profile in research platforms: ORCID, researchgate, scopus, google scholar 


Research interests  My main research interests are focused on the study and assessment of parasitic contamination of soil and surface water  




20TTCG-1F006  Parasitic Protozoa in Surface Waters and Soils in Armenia: Investigation, Characterization, and Monitoring Approaches  

State committee of sciences RA 

57 mln AMD 



20TTCG-1F006  Survey of Toxoplasma gondii prevalence and genetic diversity in Armenia and determination 

of some lichens’ anti-toxoplasma activity  

State committee of sciences RA 

30 mln AMD 



23LCG-1F006. The role of synanthropic animals in the circulation, maintenance, and transmission of parasitic zoonoses in urban areas of Armenia and development of strategies for their prevention and control 

Higher Education and Science committee 

173 mln AMD