
The core of the studies of the hydroecology laboratory is the autotrophic chain of water bodies, the evaluation of the role of individual groups in the formation of the trophic status of the ecosystem and the determination of the factors influencing its development. Phytoplankton species composition, quantitative indicators and development features are studied. The laboratory is also engaged in the study of the “blooming” of cyanobacteria observed in Lake Sevan in recent years and the consequences of their toxic effect on other links of the food chain. On the basis of long-term data (since 1933) and modern monitoring studies, work is being done to create an ecological model of Lake Sevan. A new direction is the interdisciplinary study of the possibilities of in vitro biotechnological strains and the ecological characteristics of in situ microalgae and the creation of an ex situ collection of phytoplankton species of Lake Sevan.

Head of the lab: Dr. Lusine Hambaryan

Lusine Hambaryan

Head of laboratory

Armine Mamyan

Senior Researcher

Suren Sargsyan


Hamest Badalyan

Senior laboratory assistant